Prof. Dr. Zafarina Zainuddin
Address: Analytical Biochemistry Research Centre (ABrC), Universiti Sains Malaysia, SAINS@USM Campus, University Innovation Incubator (i2U) Building, Lebuh Bukit Jambul, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia
Telephone: 04-653 6830
Scopus: and
Google Scholar:
Area of expertise:
Molecular Biology
DNA Profiling
Population Genetics
Current research:
Phylogeny and phylogeography analysis of Orang Asli: Peopling of South East Asia.
Remodeling of white adipose tissue (WAT) to brown adipose tissue (BAT) via modification of selected molecular mechanisms using natural product compounds for prevention of diet-induced obesity.
Combating age-related disorders: Identification of potential natural product compound with anti-ageing properties.
Molecular characterisation of selected wild animal species of Malaysia using barcoding region of mtDNA COI for application in wild life crimes
Past research
International (Principle Investigator)
British Army-UK - Title: DNA analysis and excavation of the remains from Dakota KN630 crash in Gua Musang, Kelantan, Malaysia; RM76,365.00, 2009 (joined project with ATM, PDRM and Center for Global Archaeological Research, USM)
National (Principle Investigator)
Tracing the origin of the Malay race through morphological, historical, socio-cultural and genetic analyses (FRGS top-down, RM1.4 million, 2007-2010)
Bionexus-partner lab (Agensi luar-Biotechcorporation Sdn Bhd, RM320,787.00, 2008-2010)
The prehistoric settlement of Peninsular Malaysia: A study using complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the Malay population (RU, RM249,880.92, 2010-2013)
Tracing the origin of the Malays: Molecular genotyping of blood group and killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor (KIR) polymorphisms among sub-ethnic groups (RU, RM227,853.92, 2011-2014).
Phylogeny and phylogeography analysis of Orang Asli: Peopling of South East Asia. (LRGS, RM2.4 million, 2011-2016)
National (Co-researcher)
Cellular and molecular characterisation of stem cells derived from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SAGA, RM219,000, Project head: Dr Siti Noor Fazliah Mohd Noor, PPSG, 2006-2008).
Multivariate biotechnology approaches with artificial propagations, stock enhancement for sustainable exploitation and commercialization of Malaysians Stichopus spp. (MOSTI ABI, 304/PPSK/6150088/T114; Project head: Prof Madya Dr Farid Che Ghazali).
The association between breast milk adiponectin protein and adipoQ gene with maternal and infant adiposity (RU, RM194,408.00, Project head: Dr Hamid Jan Jan Mohamed; 2009-2011).
Sequence based typing of human leucocyte antigen-A, B & DR of random Malay population of Peninsular Malaysia (RU, RM240,857.00, Project head: Mr S Panneerchelvam, 1001/PPSK/813053, 1 Dec 2011-30thNov 2014)
Vincent Macaulay, Catherine Hill, Alessandro Achilli, Chiara Rengo, Douglas Clarke, William Meehan, james Blackburn, Ornella Semino, Rosaria Scozzi, Fulvio Cruciani, Adi Taha, Norazila Kassim Shaari, Joseph Maripa Raja, Patimah Ismail, Zafarina Zainuddin, William Goodwin, David Bulbeck, Hans-Jurgen Bandelt, Stephen Oppenheimer, Antonio Torroni and Martin Richards (2005). Single, Rapid Coastal Settlement of Asia Revealed by Analysis of Complete Mitochondrial Genome. Science 308: 1034-36.
Henry Harpending, Vinayak Eswaran;, Vincent Macaulay, Catherine Hill, Alessandro Achilli, Chiara Rengo, Douglas Clarke, William Meehan, James Blackburn, Ornella Semino, Rosaria Scozzari, Fulvio Cruciani, Adi Taha, Norazila Kassim Shaari, Joseph Maripa Raja, Patimah Ismail, Zafarina Zainuddin, William Goodwin, David Bulbeck, Hans-Jürgen Bandelt, Stephen Oppenheimer, Antonio Torroni, Martin Richards;, Kumarasamy Thangaraj, Gyaneshwer Chaubey, Toomas Kivisild, Alla G. Reddy, Vijay K. Singh, Avinash A. Rasalkar, and Lalji Singh. (2005) Tracing Modern Human OriginsScience 309: 1995-1997
Z. Zainuddin and W.Goodwin (2004) Mitochondrial DNA profiling of modern Malay and Orang Asli populations in Peninsular Malaysia.International Congress Series, Volume 1261: 428-430, published by Elsevier science
B. Bekaert, Z. Zainuddin, S. Hadi and W. Goodwin (2006) A comparison of mtDNA and Y chromosome diversity in Malay populations. International Congress Series, Volume 1288: 252-255, published by Elsevier science
Z Siti Aishah, M D Mohd Khairi, A R Normastura, Z. Zafarinaand B A Zilfalil(2008)Screening for gap junction protein beta-2 gene mutations in Malays with autosomal recessive, non-syndromic hearing loss, using denaturing high performance liquid chromatography Journal of Laryngology & Otology 122:1284-1288
Edinur, H.A., Zafarina, Z., Spínola,H., Nurhaslindawaty, A.R., Panneerchelvam, S., and Norazmi, M.N(2009) HLA polymorphism in six Malay sub-ethnic groups in Malaysia. Human Immunology. 70: 518-526.
Mahat, N.A., Zafarina, Z. and Jayaprakash, P.T. (2009) Influence of rain and malathion on the oviposition and development of blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) infesting rabbit carcasses in Kelantan, Malaysia. Forensic Science International 192: 19-28
Zafarina, Z. and Panneerchelvam, S. (2009) Analysis of hair samples using microscopical and molecular techniques to ascertain claims of rare animal species. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 16(3): 37-42.
Nur Haslindawaty, A.R., Panneerchelvam, S., Edinur, H.A., Norazmi, M.N. and Zafarina, Z (2010) Sequence polymorphisms of mtDNA HV1, HV2 and HV3 regions in the Malay population of Peninsular Malaysia. International Journal of Legal Medicine 124:415-426.
S.N.Fazliah, S.Jaafar, S.Shamsuddin, Z.Zainuddin, A.B.Hilmi, A.R.Razila and S.F.Abdullah (2010) Ex-vivo differentiation of stem cells from human extracted deciduous teeth into bone forming cells. ASM Science Journal 4(1): 1-14.
Mohamad Noor, N.M., Mohamad Saman, M.Y., Ghazali, A.F. and Zafarina, Z. (2010) An integrated DNA decision support system using grid environment for crime investigation. Proceedings 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology-Engineering Technology, ITSim’10, 2, art. No 5561529, p. 636-641.
Noor, N.M.M, Ghazali, A.F., Saman, Md.Y.M. and Zainuddin, Z. (2010) Java-Grid Environment for Bioinformatics Applied Tools (JEBAT). Advances in Biology, Bioengineering and Environment p. 65-73.
Wan Salleh Wan Ibrahim and Zafarina Zainuddin (2011). Aboriginal Taiwan: Exploring Austonesian culture and genetic trail for mass tourism. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts. 2:10-31
Nadiah, T.B., Hasnan,J and Zafarina, Z. (2012) Association of Mitochondrial DNA 10398 Polymorphism in Invasive Breast Cancer in Malay Population of Peninsular Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences. Jan-Mar 2012; 19(1): 36-42
Mahat, N.A., Jayaprakash, P.T. and Zafarina, Z. (2012) Malathion extraction from larvae of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) for determining death due to malathion. Tropical Biomedicine 29 (1): 9-17
Siti Aishah Zainal, Mohd Khairi Md Daud, Normastura Abd Rahman, Zafarina Zainuddin and Zilfalil Alwi (2012) Mutation detection in GJB2 gene among Malays with non-syndromic hearing loss. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 76: 1175-1179.
Noor Maizura Mohd Nor, Ahmad Faiz Ghazali, Md Yazid Mohamad Saman and Zafarina Zainuddin (2012) Reverse engineering approach in a development of a decision support system for forensic DNA analysis. Applied Mathematical Sciences vol 6 (108): 5369-5382.
H.Z.A. NurWaliyuddin, H.A. Edinur, M.N. Norazmi, P. Sundararajulu, G.K. Chambers and Z. Zafarina (2014) Killer immunoglobulin-like receptor diversity in Malay sub-ethnic groups of Peninsular Malaysia. International Journal of Immunogenetics. 41:472-479
Siti M. Manaf, Hanis Z.A. NurWaliyuddin, Sundararajulu Panneerchelvam, Zainuddin Zafarina, Mohd N. Norazmi, Geoffrey K.Chambers, Hisham A. Edinur (2015) Human Neutrophil Antigen Profiles in Banjar, Bugis, Champa, Jawa and Kelantan Malays in Peninsular Malaysia. Blood Transfusion DOI: 10.2450/2015.0278-14
Rahayu Abd Gani, Siti M Manaf, Zainuddin Zafarina, Sundararajulu Panneerchelvam, Geoffrey K Chambers, Mohd N. Norazmi, Hisham A. Edinur (2015) Molecular Blood Group Typing in Banjar, Jawa, Mandailing and Kelantan Malays in Peninsular Malaysia. Transfusion and Apheresis Science DOI: 10.1016/j.transci.2015.03.009
H.K.NorKhalifah, Z.Zafarina, P.Sundararajulu, M.N.Norazmi and H.A.Edinur (2015) Distribution of cytokine gene polymorphism in five Malay subethnic groups in Peninsular Malaysia. International Journal of Immunogenetics 42, 200–203
A. R. Tasnim, S. Allia, H. A. Edinur, S. Panneerchelvam, Z. Zafarina and M. N. Norazmi (2015) Distribution of HLA-A, -B and -DRB1 alleles and haplotypes in the Semang and Senoi Orang Asli populations in Peninsular Malaysia. Human Immunology (under review)
H.Z.A. NurWaliyuddin, H.A. Edinur, M.N. Norazmi, P. Sundararajulu, G.K. Chambers and Z. Zafarina (2015) Ancient Genetic Signatures of Orang Asli Revealed by Killer Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor Gene Polymorphisms PLOS One DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0141536
Hazwani Ahmad Yusof, Rabindarjeet Singh, Kieron Rooney, Zafarina Zainuddin and Ahmad Munir Che Muhamed (2015) The Angiotensin Converting Enzyme I/D Gene Polymorphism in Well-trained Malaysian Athletes. Sport Sci Health DOI 10.1007/s11332-015-0222-4.
Siti Farah Quraishia, Sundararajulu Panneerchelvam, Zafarina Zainuddin and Nur Haslindawaty Abd Rashid (2015) Molecular Characterization of Malaysian Marine Fish Species using Partial Sequence of Mitochondrial DNA 12S and 16S rRNA Markers. Sains Malaysiana 44(8): 1119–1123.
A. Amila, A. Acosta , M.E. Sarmiento, Siti Suraiya, Z. Zafarina, S. Panneerchelvam and M.N. Norazmi (2015). Sequence comparison of six human microRNAs genes between tuberculosis patients and healthy individuals Int. J. Mycobacteriology 4: 341-346.
Kah Tee Lim, Zuriati Zahari, Azimah Amanah, Zafarina Zainuddin and Mohd Ilham Adenan (2016). Development of resazurin-based assay in 384-well format for high throughput whole cell screening of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense strain STIB 900 for the identification of potential anti-trypanosomal agents. Experimental Parasitology 162: 49-56.
Andreia Brandão, Ken Khong Eng, Teresa Rito, Bruno Cavadas, David Bulbeck, Francesca Gandini, Maria Pala, Maru Mormina, Bob Hudson, Joyce White, Tsang-Ming Ko, Mokhtar Saidin, Zainuddin Zafarina, Stephen Oppenheimer, Martin B Richards, Luísa Pereira, Pedro Soares (2016). Quantifying the legacy of the Chinese Neolithic on the maternal genetic heritage of Taiwan and Island Southeast Asia. Human Genetics 135 (4): 363-376.
SM Manaf, S Panneerchelvam, MN Norazmi, Z Zafarina, HA Edinur (2016)HNA diversity in six subgroups of Orang Asli in Peninsular Malaysia. Transfusion Medicine doi: 10.1111/tme.12315

Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Gan Chee Yuen
Deputy Director
Address: Analytical Biochemistry Research Centre (ABrC), Universiti Sains Malaysia, SAINS@USM Campus, University Innovation Incubator (i2U) Building, Lebuh Bukit Jambul, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia
Telephone: 04-653 6826
Google Scholar:
Currently, working as Deputy Director in ABrC.
Previously given administrative and technical responsibilities: Deputy Technical Manager (in food safety testing, drug of abuse testing, elemental testing) as well as Quality Manager (ISO/IEC17025).
Over 9 years of experience in Academic and Research Sector and 1 year as Post-doctorate fellow.
A proactive academician and researcher with expertise in the research field of analytical chemistry and food chemistry.
Managed to publish many international journals and actively involved as reviewers (reviewed over 200 articles) for the past 6 years.
Successfully secure several research grants including ERGS, RU and private grants.
Professionally recognized as science consultants.
Analytical Chemistry – Mass Spectrometry
Biomolecular Chemistry – Biologically active molecules, characterization of biological macromolecules, protein and peptides
Biotechnology/Food Chemistry – Enzyme Technology
Academic recognitions
Reviewer of articles in Academic Journals and Books
Associate editor for International Journal Network
Editorial Board Member for American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, and American Journal of Science and Technology
Award winner in different exhibitions and seminars (such as Malaysia Technology Expo, BioMalaysia and BioInnovation)
Members of American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS), American Chemical Society (ACS), American Peptide Society (APS) and European Peptide Society (EPS)
Science consultant for private companies
ISO/IEC 17025 technical assessor under the Department of Standard Malaysia
Gan, C.Y., Cheng, L.H., & Easa, A.M. (2008). Physicochemical properties and microstructures of soy protein isolate gels produced using combined cross-linking treatments of microbial transglutaminase and Maillard cross-linking. Food Research International, 41(6): 600-605.
Gan, C.Y., Cheng, L.H., & Easa, A.M. (2008). Evaluation of Microbial Transglutaminase and Ribose Cross-linked Soy Protein Isolate-based Microcapsules Containing Fish Oil. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 9(4): 563-569.
Gan, C.Y., Cheng, L.H., & Easa, A.M. (2009). In-vitro digestibility and amino acid composition of soy protein isolate cross-linked with microbial transglutaminase followed by heating with ribose. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 60, 99-108.
Gan, C.Y., AlKharkhi, A.F.M. & Easa, A.M. (2009). Using response surface methodology to optimize process parameters and cross-linking agents for production of combined-crosslinked bovine serum albumin gels. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 107: 366-372.
Gan, C.Y., Cheng, L.H., & Easa, A.M. (2009). Assessment of Maillard
reaction and cross-linking in transglutaminase-cross-linked powdered soy protein isolate gel. Journal of Food Science, 74(2): C141-C146.
Gan, C.Y., Ong, W.H., Wong, L.M., & Easa, A.M. (2009). Effects of ribose, microbial transglutaminase andsoy protein isolate on physical properties and in-vitro starch hydrolysis of yellow noodles. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 42(1): 174-179.
Gan, C.Y., Cheng, L.H., Phuah, E.T., Chin, P.N., AlKharkhi, A.F.M. & Easa, A.M. (2009). Combined cross-linking treatments of bovine serum albumin gel beadlets for controlled- delivery of caffeine. Food Hydrocolloids, 23: 1398-1405.
Gan, C.Y., Latiff, A.A., Cheng, L.H., & Easa, A.M. (2009). Gelling of microbial transglutaminase cross-linked soy protein in the presence of ribose and sucrose. Food Research International, 42:1373-1380.
Gan, C.Y., Abdul Manaf, N., & Latiff, A.A. (2010). Optimization of alcohol insoluble polysaccharides (AIPS) extraction from the Parkia speciosa pod using response surface methodology (RSM). Carbohydrate Polymers, 79, 825-831.
Gan, C.Y., Abdul Manaf, N., & Latiff, A.A. (2010). Physico-chemical properties of alcohol precipitate pectin-like polysaccharides from Parkia speciosa pod. Food Hydrocolloids, 24: 471-478.
Gan, C.Y., & Latiff, A.A. (2011). Optimization of the solvent extraction of bioactive compounds from Parkia speciosa pod using response surface methodology. Food Chemistry, 124: 1277-1283.
Gan, C.Y., & Latiff, A.A. (2011). Extraction of antioxidant pectic-polysaccharide from mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) rind: Optimization using response surface methodology. Carbohydrate Polymers, 83: 600-607
Gan, C.Y., & Latiff, A.A. (2011). Antioxidant Parkia speciosa pod powder as potential functional flour in food application: Physico-chemical properties characterization. Food Hydrocolloids, 25: 1174-1180.
Abedin, M.Z, Karim, A.A., Ahmed, F., Latiff, A.A, Gan, C.Y., Ghazali, F.C., & Sarker M.Z.I (2013). Isolation and characterization of pepsin-solubilized collagen from the integument of sea cucumber (Stichopus vastus). Journal of Science and Food Agriculture, 93(5); 1083-1088.
Lew, L.C., Liong, M.T., & Gan, C.Y. (2012). Growth optimization of Lactobacillus rhamnosus FTDC 8313 and the production of putative dermal bioactives in the presence of manganese and magnesium ions. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 114(2): 526-535
Lew, L.C., Gan, C.Y., & Liong, M.T. (2012). Derma bioactives from lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Annals of Microbiology, 63(3): 1047-1055
Siow, H.L. & Gan, C.Y. (2013). Extraction of antioxidative and antihypertensive bioactive peptides fromParkia speciosa seeds. Food Chemistry, 141: 3435-3442.
Tan, C.C. Abdul Karim, A., Aishah, A.A, & Gan, C.Y. (2013). Extraction and characterization of pepsin-solubilized collagen from the body wall of crown-of-thorns Starfish (Acanthaster planci). International Food Research Journal, 20(6): 3013-3020
Abedin, M.Z., Karim, A.A., Latiff, A.A., Gan, C.Y., Ghazali, F.C., Zzaman, M., Hossain, M.M., Ahmed, F., Absar, N., & Sarker, M.Z.I. (2013). Physicochemical and biochemical properties of pepsin-solubilized collagen isolated from the integument of sea cucumber (Stichopus vastus). Journal of Food Processing and Preservation,38(4):2027-2036
Barzideh, Z., Karim, A.A., Latiff, A.A., Gan, A.A., Benjakul, S. (2014). Isolation and Characterization of Collagen from the Ribbon Jellyfish (Chrysaora sp.). International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 49:1490-1499.
Tan, E.S, Ngoh, Y.Y. & Gan, C.Y.(2014) A comparative study of physicochemical characteristics and functionalities of pinto bean protein isolate (PBPI) against the soybean protein isolate (SPI) after the extraction optimization. Food Chemistry 152: 447-455.
Tan, P.L., Peh, K.K., Gan, C.Y., Liong, M.T. (2014). Bioactive dairy ingredient for food and non-food applications. Acta Alimentaria, 43(1): 113-123.
Leong, Y.H., Chiang, P.N., Jaafar, H.J., Gan, C.Y., Abd Majid, M.I. (2014). Contamination of food samples from Malaysia with polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans and estimation of human intake. Food Additive and Contaminants: Part A. 31(4), 711-718
Leong, Y.H., Gan, C.Y., Tan, M.A.F., Abd Majid, M.I. (2014). Present Status and Future Concerns of Expanded Newborn Screening in Malaysia: Sustainability, Challenges and Perspectives. Malays J Med Sci. Mar-Apr 2014; 21(2): 64-68
Leong, Y.H., Gan, C.Y., Abd Majid, M.I. (2014). Dioxin-Like Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Polychlorinated Dibenzop-Dioxins, and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans in Seafood Samples from Malaysia: Estimated Human Intake and Associated Risks. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 67(1), 21-28
Leong, Y.H., Chiang, P.N., Jaafar, H.J., Gan, C.Y., Abd Majid, M.I. (2014). Occurrence and Dietary Intake of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans in Malaysia. In: From Sources to Solution. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Forensic 2013, Chapter 10, (Azis et al. eds). Pp. 49-53. Doi:
Abedin, M.Z., Karim, A.A., Latiff, A.A., Gan, C.Y., Ghazali, F.C., Barzideh, Z., Ferdosha, S., Akandaa, M.J.H., Zzaman, M., Karime, M.R. & Sarker, M.Z.I. (2014).Biochemical and radical-scavenging properties of sea cucumber (Stichopus vastus) collagen hydrolysates. Natural Product Research 28(16),1302-1305.
Siow, H.L., Gan C.Y. (2014). Functional protein from cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum): Optimization and characterization studies. Food Hydrocolloids 41: 178-
Barzideh, Z., Latiff, A.A., Gan, A.A., Abedin, M.Z., Karim, A.A. (2014). ACE inhibitory and antioxidative activities of collagen hydrolysates from the ribbon jellyfish (Chrysaora sp.). Food Technology and Biotechnology, 49, 1490-1499.
Barzideh, Z., Latiff, A.A., Gan, A.A., Abedin, M.Z., Karim, A.A. (2014).Functional properties of collagen hydrolysates from the jellyfish (Chrysaora sp.). Agro Food Industry Hi Tech, 25(4): 27-32
Chin, C.F., Tan, S.J., C.Y. Gan, & Lim, T.S. (2015). Identification of peptide based inhibitors for α-amylase by phage display. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 21(3): 237-242
Gan C.Y., Kee S.M., Chiang P.N. (2015). Extraction and Identification of Antidiabetic and Antioxidative Phytochemicals from Pisang awak Leaves. International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 2015; 7(3); 461-472
Ngoh, Y. Y., Leong, Y.-H. and Gan, C. Y. (2015). Optimization study for synthetic dye removal using an agricultural waste of Parkia speciosa pod: A sustainable approach for waste water treatment. International Food Research Journal 22(6): 2351-2357
Abedin, M. Z., Karim, A. A., Gan, C.Y., Ghazali, F. C., Barzideh, Z., Zzaman, W. and Zaidul, I. S. M. (2015). Identification of angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory and radical scavenging bioactive peptides from sea cucumber (Stichopus vastus) collagen hydrolysates through optimization. International Food Research Journal 22(3): 1074-1082
Liew WPP, Ong JS, Gan CY, Yahaya S, Khoo BY, Liong MT (2015) Gut Microbiome and Stress. In: MT Liong (Ed), Beneficial Microoorganisms in Medical and Health Applications, vol. 28, pp. 223-255, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland
Loh YS, Lew LC, Khoo BY, Khalil NA, Gan CY, Liong MT (2015) Roles of Probiotics on Lifelong Diversifications of Gut Microbiota. In: MT Liong (Ed), Beneficial Microorganisms in Food and Nutraceuticals, vol 27, pp. 245-263, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland
Nurul Hidayatul Afifah B. S..S. & Gan C.Y. (2016). Antioxidative and amylase inhibitor peptides from Basil seeds. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 22: 3-10
Ngoh, Y.Y. & Gan C.Y. (2016). Enzyme-assisted extraction and identification of antioxidative and a-amylase inhibitory peptides from Pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris
Tan, H.F. & Gan C.Y. (2016). Polysaccharide with antioxidant, α-amylase inhibitory and ACE inhibitory activities from Momordica charantia. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 85: 487-496.
Siow, H.L. & Gan C.Y. (2016). Extraction, identification, and structure–activity relationship of anti-oxidative and α-amylase inhibitory peptides from cumin seeds (Cuminum cyminum). Journal of Functional Food, 22, 1-12.
Kamarudin, F. & Gan, C.Y. (2016). Molecular structure, chemical properties and biological activities of Pinto bean pod polysaccharide. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 88: 280-287
Ngoh, Y.Y., Lim, T.S., & Gan, C.Y. (2016). Screening and Identification of Five Peptides from Pinto Bean with Inhibitory Activities against α-Amylase using Phage Display Technique. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 89: 76-84
Siow, H.L. & Gan C.Y. (2016). Optimization study in extracting anti-oxidative and α-amylase inhibitor peptides from cumin seeds (Cuminum cyminum). Journal of Food Biochemistry. Doi: 10.1111/jfbc.12280
Siow, H.-L., Choi, S.-B.,Gan, C.-Y. (2016) Structure–activity studies of protease activating, lipase inhibiting, bile acid binding and cholesterol-lowering effects of pre-screened cumin seed bioactive peptides. Journal of Functional Foods, 27: 600-611
Murugan, P., Han, L., Gan, C.-Y., Maurer, F.H.J., Sudesh, K. (2016). A new biological recovery approach for PHA using mealworm, Tenebrio molitor. Journal of Biotecjnology, 239: 98-105
Park, Y.H., Hamidon, F., Rajangan, C., Soh, K.P., Gan, C.Y., Lim, T.S., Wan Abdullah, W.N., Liong, M.T. (2016). Application of Probiotics for the Production of Safe and High-quality Poultry Meat, Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources, 36 (5): 567-576
Siow, H.L., Lim, T.S. & Gan, C.Y. (2017). Development of a aworkflow for screening and identification of α-amylase inhibitory peptides from food source using an integrated Bioinformatiics-phage display approach: Case study – Cumin seed. Food Chemistry, 214: 67-76
Siow, H.L., & Gan, C.Y. (2017). Optimization study in extracting anti-oxidative and α-amylase inhibitor peptides from cumin seeds (Cuminum Cyminum). Journal of food Biochemistry, 41(1), doi: 10.1111/jfbc.12280
Ngoh, Y.Y., Choi, S.B., & Gan, C.Y. (2017). The potential roles of Pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Pinto) bioactive peptides in regulating physiological functions: Protease activating, lipase inhibiting and bile acid binding activities. Journal of Functional Foods, 33, 67-75.
Siow, H.L., Tye, G.J., & Gan, C.Y. (2017). Pre-clinical evidence for the efficacy and safety of a-amylase inhibitory peptides from cumin (Cuminum cyminum) seed. Journal of Functional Foods, 35, 216-223.
Ngoh, Y.Y. & Gan, C.Y. (2017). Identification of Pinto bean peptides with inhibitory effects on α-amylase and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activities using an integrated bioinformatics-assisted approach. Food Chemistry,
Hazlami Habib, M.A., Gan, C.Y., Othman, F., Zainudin, N.N., Latiff, A.A., & Ismail, M.N. (2017). Proteomics analysis of latex from Hevea brasiliensis (clone RRIM 600).
Murugan, P., Gan, C.Y., Sudesh, K. (2017). Biosynthesis of P(3HB-co-3HHx) with improved molecular weightsfrom a mixture of palm olein and fructose by Cupriavidus necatorRe2058/pCB113. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 102 (2017) 1112–1119
Ngoh, Y.Y., Tye, G.J., & Gan, C.Y. (2017). The investigation of a-amylase inhibitory activity of selected Pinto bean peptides via preclinical study using AR42J cell. Journal of Functional Foods, 35, 641-647
Helen, L. Y. S., Rahim, A. A., Gan, C. Y., Saad B., Salleh, M. I., & Umeda, M. (2017). Aquilaria subintergra leaves extracts as sustainable mild steel corrosion inhibitors in HCl. Measurement, 109, 334–345
Hong, L.F., Cheng, L.H., Gan, C.Y., Lee, C.Y. &, Peh, K.K. (2018). Evaluation of starch propionate as emulsion stabiliser in comparison with octenylsuccinate starch. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 10.1016/j.lwt.2018.01.076
Ong, S.Y., Kho, H.P., Riedel, S.L., Kim, S.W., Gan, C.Y., Taylor, T.D., & Sudesh, K. (2018). An integrative study on biologically recovered polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) and simultaneous assessment of gut microbiome in yellow mealworm. Journal of Biotechnology, 265, 31-39
Evaristus, N.A., Wan Abdullah, W.N., & Gan, C.Y., (2018). Extraction and identification of α-amylase inhibitor peptides from Nephelium lappacheum and Nephelium mutabile seed protein using gastro-digestive enzymes. Peptides, 102,61-67
Habib, M.A.H., Gan, C.Y., Abdul Latiff A., & Ismail M.N. (2018). Unrestrictive Identification of Post-Translational Modifications in Hevea Brasiliensis Latex. Biochemistry and Cell Biology, doi: 10.1139/bcb-2018-0020.
Olalere, O.A., Abdurahman, N.H., MAlara, O.R.,& Gan, C.Y. (2018). Synergistic intermittent heating and energy intensification in an optimized microwave extraction process. Chemical Engineering and Processing – Process Intensification, 132, 160-168.
Mudgil, P., Kamal, H., Gan, C.Y., Maqsood, S. (2018). Characterization and identification of novel antidiabetic and anti-obesity peptides from camel milk protein hydrolysates. Food Chemistry, 259, 46-54.
Ong, S.Y., Kho, H.P., Riedel, S.L., Kim, S.W., Gan, C.Y., Taylor, T.D., & Sudesh, K. (2018). An integrative study on biologically recovered polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) and simultaneous assessment of gut microbiome in yellow mealworm. Journal of Biotechnology, 265, 31-39.
Ngoh, Y.Y. & Gan, C.Y. (2018). Identification of Pinto bean peptides with inhibitory effects on α-amylase and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activities using an integrated bioinformatics-assisted approach. Food Chemistry, 267, 124-131
Chan, S.K., Choong, Y.S., Gan, C.Y., & Lim, T.S. (2018). Chemoenzymatic bioconjugation of antibodies: Linking proteins for biomedical applications. In: Kuddus, M. Enzyme in Food Technologies. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Pp. 359-381
Arshad, N., Siow, H.W., Ngoh, Y.Y., Saufi Sofian, N.A.H. & Gan, C.Y. (2019). Enzyme and bioactive peptides: strategy for discovery and identification of antihypertensive peptides. In: Kuddus, M. Enzyme in Food Biotechnology. Elsevier Inc. pp. 343-367.
Olalere, O.A., Abdurahman, H.N., & Gan C.Y. (2019). Microwave-enhanced extraction and mass spectrometry fingerprints of polyphenolic constituents in Sesamum indicum leaves. Industrial Crops & Products, 131, 151-159
Arshad, N. & Gan, C.Y. (2019). Elateriospermum tapos Seed Protein as a New Potential Therapeutic for Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension: Extraction and Characterization of Protein. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, 42: 27 – 43.
Seow, E.K., Gan, C.Y., Tan, T.C., Lee, L.K., & Easa, A.M. (2019). Influence of honey types and heating treatment on the rheological properties of glutinous rice flour gels. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56, 2105–2114
Shafie, M.H., Yusof, R., & Gan, C.Y. (2019). Deep eutectic solvents (DES) mediated extraction of pectin Averrhoa bilimbi: Optimization and characterization studies. Carbohydrate Polymers, 216, 303-311.
Shafie, M.H., Yusof, R., & Gan, C.Y. (2019). Synthesis of citric acid monohydrate-choline chloride based deep eutectic solvents (DES) and characterization of their physicochemical properties. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 111081.
Liu, Y.W., Ong, J.S., Gan, C.Y., Khoo, B.Y., Yahaya, S., Choi, S.B., Low, W.Y., Tsai, Y.C., & Liong, M.T. (2019). Lactobacillus fermentum PS150 showed psychotropic properties by altering serotonergic pathway during stress. Journal of Functional Foods, 59, 352-361.
Mudgil, P., Baby, B., Ngoh, Y.Y., Kamal, H., Vijayan, R., Gan, C.Y., & Maqsood, S. (2019). Molecular binding mechanism and identification of novel anti-hypertensive and anti-inflammatory bioactive peptides from camel milk protein hydrolysates. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 112, 108193.
Gan, C.Y., Zainuddin, Z., Muhamad Noh, H., Rahmat, R., Mohd Akir, F., Mahad, N.H., Mohd Fazil, N.F., Nasir, R., Isahak M., & Samad H.A. (2019). Profiling of morphine and codeine in urine after the ingestion of curry containing poppy seed as an evidence of opiates defence in Malaysia. Forensic Science International, 302, 109865.
Sekaran, H., Gan, C.Y., Latiff, A.A., Harvey, T.M., Nazri, L.M., Hanapi, N.A., Yusof, S.R. (2019). Changes in blood-brain permeability and ultrastructure, and protein expression in a rat model of cerebral hypoperfusion. Brain Research Bulletin, 152, 63-73.
Lee, W.T., Tan, B.K., Eng, S.A., Gan, C.Y., Chan, K.L., Sim, Y.K, Sulaiman, S.F., Shu-Chien A.C. (2019). Black sea cucumber (Holothuria atra Jarger, 1833) recues Pseudomonas aeruginosa-infected Caenorhabditis elegans via reduction of pathogen virulence factors and enhancement of host immunity. Food & Function, DOI:10.1039/c9fo01357a
Mudgil P., Baby, B., Ngoh, Y.Y., Vijayan, R., Gan, C.Y., & Maqsood S. (2019). Identification and molecular docking study of novel cholesterol esterase inhibitory peptides from camel milk proteins. Journal of Dairy Science, 102, 10748-10759.
Mohd Adam, M.A.S. & Gan, C.Y. (2020). Dual-function peptides derived from egg white ovalbumin: Bioinformatics identification with validation using in vitro Journal of Functional Foods, 64, 103618.
Shafie, M.H., & Gan, C.Y. (2020). Could choline chloride-citric acid monohydrate molar ratio in deep eutectic solvent affect structural, functional and antioxidant properties of pectin? International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 149, 835-843
Olalere, O.A., & Gan, C.Y. (2020). Multi-step reflux extraction of bio-pharmaceutical phenolic bioactives from balsam apple (Momordica balsamina L.). Journal of Taibah University for Science, 14, 227-234
Shafie, M.H., Yusof, R., Samsudin, D., & Gan, C.Y. (2020). Averrhoa bilimbipectin-based edible films: Effects of the linearity and branching of pectin on the physicochemical, mechanical, and barrier properties of the films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 163, 1276-1282.
Shafie, M.H. & Gan, C.Y. (2020). A comparison of properties between the citric acid monohydrate and deep eutectic solvent extracted Averrhoa bilimbiJournal of Measurement and Characterization, 14, 2889–2897.
Olalere, O.A., Gan, C.Y., Abdurahman, H.N., Adeyi, O., & Ahmad, M.M. (2020). Holistic approach to microwave-reflux extraction and thermos-analytical fingerprints of under-utilized Artocarpus heterophyllus seed wastes. Heliyon, 6, e04770.
Olalere, O.A. & Gan, C.Y. (2020). Microwave-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from Euphorbia hirta leaf and characterization of its morphology and thermal stability. Separation Science and Technology, 56, 1853-1865
Olalere, O.A., Gan, C.Y., Abdurahman, H.N., Ahmad, M.S., Zaid A.Q. & Habeeb O.A. (2020). Microstructural and microchemical characterization of valorized cola nitida pod wastes. Chemical Data Collections 26, 100356.
Olalere, O.A. & Gan C.Y. (2020). Intensification of microwave energy parameters and main effect analysis of total phenolics recovery from Euphorbia hirta leaf. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 14, 886-893.
Yap, P.G. & Gan, C.Y. (2020). In vivo challenges of anti-diabetic peptide therapeutics: Gastrointestinal stability, toxicity and allergenicity. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 105, 161–175
Yap, P.G. & Gan, C.Y. (2020). Chicken Egg White—Advancing from food to skin health therapy: Optimization of hydrolysis condition and identification of tyrosinase inhibitor peptides. Foods, 9, 1312; doi:10.3390/foods9091312.
Ashraf, A., Mudgil, P., Palakkott, Iratni, R., Gan, C.Y., Maqsood, S., Ayoub, M.A. (2021). Molecular basis of the anti-diabetic properties of camel milk through profiling of its bioactive peptides on dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) and insulin receptor activity. Journal of Dairy Science, 104, 61-77.
Mudgil, P., Kamal, H., Kilari, B.P., Mohd Salim, M.A., Gan, C.Y., Maqsood, S. (2021). Simulated gastrointestinal digestion of camel and bovine casein hydrolysates: Identification and characterization of novel anti-diabetic bioactive peptides. Food Chemistry, 353, 129374.
Abayomi, O.O., Firdaus Tan, M.A., C.Y. Gan, Zafarina, Z. (2021). Diagnostic Advances for Inborn Error of Metabolism (IEM) and Screening Interventions in Selected Asian Countries. Journal of Biomedical & Clinical Science, 6, 1-15.
Baba, W.N., Baby, B., Mudgil, P., Gan, C.Y., Vijayan, R., Maqsood, S. (2021). Pepsin generated camel whey protein hydrolysates with potential antihypertensive properties: Identification and molecular docking of antihypertensive peptides. LWT, 143, 111135.
Esan, A.O., Olalere, O.A., Gan, C.Y., Smith, S.M., Ganesan, S. (2021). Synthesis of biodiesel from waste palm fatty acid distillate (PFAD) andndimethyl carbonate (DMC) via Taguchi optimisation method. Biomass and Bioenergy, 154, 106262.
Olalere, O.A., Gan, C.Y. (2021). Microwave reflux extraction—An alternative approach for phenolic-rich oleoresins extraction from functional plants. In:Inamuddin, Boddula, R., Asiri, A.M. Green Sustainable Process for Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Science. Elsevier, P. 661-678.
Olalere, O.A., Gan, C.Y. (2021). Investigating the heat stability, calorimetric degradations and chromatographic polyphenolic profiling of edible macerated hog‑tree apple leaf (Morinda lucida Benth). Chemical Papers, 75, 1291-1299.
Tan, S.J., Lee, C.K., Gan, C.Y., Olalere, O.A. (2021). Statistical Optimization of Flavonoid and Antioxidant Recovery from Macerated Chinese and Malaysian Lotus Root (Nelumbo nucifera) Using Response Surface Methodology. Molecules, 26, 2014.
Olalere, O.A., Gan, C.Y. (2021). Microwave assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from Euphorbia hirta leaf and characterization of its morphology and thermal stability. Separation Science and Technology, 56, 1853-1865.
Olalere, O.A., Gan, C.Y., Adedeji, P.A., Olalere, M.E., Aljbour, N. (2021). Multi-objective Deng’s grey incidence analysis, orthogonal optimization, and artificial neural network modelling in hot-maceration-assisted extraction of African cucumber leaves (Momordica balsamina). The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 1-10.
Olalere, O.A., Gan, C.Y., Akintomiwa, O.E., Adeyi, O., Adeyi, A. (2021). Optimisation of microwave-assisted extraction and functional elucidation of bioactive compounds from Cola nitida pod. Phytochemical Analysis, 1-9.
Yap, P.G., Gan, C.Y. (2021). Multifunctional Tyrosinase Inhibitor Peptides with Copper Chelating, UV-Absorption and Antioxidant Activities: Kinetic and Docking Studies. Foods, 10, 675.
Kamal, H., Mudgil, P., Bhaskar, B., Fisayo, A.F., Gan, C.Y., Maqsood, S. (2021). Amaranth proteins as potential source of bioactive peptides with enhanced inhibition of enzymatic markers linked with hypertension and diabetes. Journal of Cereal Science, 101, 103308.
Baba, W.N., Mudgil, P., Kamal, H., Kilari, B.P., Gan, C.Y., Maqsood, S. (2021). Identification and characterization of novel α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitorypeptides from camel whey proteins. Journal of Dairy Science, 104, 1364-1377.
Baba, W.N., Mudgil, P., Baby, B., Vijayan, R., Gan, C.Y., Maqsood, S. (2021). New insights into the cholesterol esterase- and lipase-inhibiting potential of bioactive peptides from camel whey hydrolysates: Identification, characterization, and molecular interaction. Journal of Dairy Science, 104, 7393-7405.
Murali, C., Mudgil, P., Gan, C.Y., Tarazi, H., El-Awady, R., Abdalla, Y., Amin, A., Maqsood, S. (2021). Camel whey protein hydrolysates induced G2/M cellcycle arrest in human colorectal carcinoma. Scientific Reports, 11, 7062.
Hashmi, S.F., Rathore, H.A., Sattar, M.A., Johns, E.J., Gan, C.Y., Chia, T.Y., Ahmad, A. (2021). Hydrogen Sulphide Treatment Prevents Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury by Inhibiting the Expression of ICAM-1 and NF-kB Concentration in Normotensive and Hypertensive Rats Biomolecules, 11, 1549.
Abayomi, O.O., Firdaus Tan, M.A., Gan, C.Y., Zafarina, Z. (2021). Diagnostic Advances for Inborn Error of Metabolism (IEM) and Screening Interventions in Selected Asian Countries. Journal of Biomedical & Clinical Sciences, 6(2), 1-15.
Olalere, A.O., Gan, C.Y. (2021). Microwave reflux extraction—An alternative approach for phenolic-rich oleoresins extraction from functional plants. In: (Inamuddin, Boddula, R., Asiri, A.M. eds.) Green Sustainable Process For Chemical And Environmental Engineering And Science, Elsevier, Netherlands, pp. 661-678.
Ajayi, F.F., Mudgil, P., Gan, C.Y., Maqsood, S. (2021). Identification and characterization of cholesterol esterase and lipase inhibitory peptides from amaranth protein hydrolysates. Food Chemistry: X, 12, 100165.
Mudgil, P., Baba, W.N., Kamal, H., FitzGerald, R.J., Hassan, H.M., Ayoub M.A., Gan, C.Y., Maqsood, S. (2022). A comparative investigation into novel cholesterol esterase and pancreatic lipase inhibitory peptides from cow and camel casein hydrolysates generated upon enzymatic hydrolysis and in-vitro digestion. Food Chemistry, 367, 130661

Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Mohd Nazri Ismail
Address: Analytical Biochemistry Research Centre (ABrC), Universiti Sains Malaysia, SAINS@USM Campus, University Innovation Incubator (i2U) Building, Lebuh Bukit Jambul, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia
Telephone: 04-653 6834
Publications, please refer:
Google Scholar:
Research Gate:
Academic background
Bachelor Degree (Honours) in Biochemistry (UKMalaysia) 2005
Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Molecular Biosciences (Imperial College London) 2011
Expertise areas
Proteomics, glycomics, peptidomics, post-translational modifications, bioinformatics, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation tandem mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS/MS), natural products, gel electrophoresis & Western blotting.
Research Grants
Proteomics, glycomics, peptidomics, post-translational modifications, bioinformatics, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation tandem mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS/MS), natural products, gel electrophoresis & Western blotting.

ChM. Dr. Muhammad Hakimin Shafie
Address: Analytical Biochemistry Research Centre (ABrC), Universiti Sains Malaysia, SAINS@USM Campus, University Innovation Incubator (i2U) Building, Lebuh Bukit Jambul, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia
Telephone: 04-653 6833
Google Scholar:
Academic background
2015 - Diploma in Science: Universiti Teknologi MARA
2018- Bachelor of Science (Hons) Applied Chemistry: Universiti Teknologi MARA
2021- Doctor of Philosophy (Food Biochemistry): Universiti Sains Malaysia
Food biochemistry
Edible film and food coating
Deep Eutectic Solvents
Research topics
Synthesis and characterization of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) and explore its potential application.
Identification and characterization of polysaccharide from plant-based materials and explore its bioactivities.
Production and characterization of bio-based plastic/edible films.
Member of Malaysian Institute of Chemistry
Reviewer of articles in academic journals
Award winner in different exhibitions and seminars
Shafie, M. H., Samsudin, D., Yusof, R., & Gan, C. Y. (2018). Characterization of bio-based plastic made from a mixture of Momordica charantiabioactive polysaccharide and choline chloride/glycerol based deep eutectic solvent. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 118, 1183-1192.
Shafie, M. H., Yusof, R., & Gan, C. Y. (2019). Deep eutectic solvents (DES) mediated extraction of pectin from Averrhoa bilimbi: Optimization and characterization studies. Carbohydrate Polymers, 216, 303-311.
Shafie, M. H., Yusof, R., & Gan, C. Y. (2019). Synthesis of citric acid monohydrate-choline chloride based deep eutectic solvents (DES) and characterization of their physicochemical properties. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 288, 111081.
Shafie, M. H., & Gan, C. Y. (2020). Could choline chloride-citric acid monohydrate molar ratio in deep eutectic solvent affect structural, functional and antioxidant properties of pectin? International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 149, 835-843.
Shafie, M. H., & Gan, C. Y. (2020). A comparison of properties between the citric acid monohydrate and deep eutectic solvent extracted Averrhoa bilimbiJournal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 14(5), 2889-2897.
Shafie, M. H., Yusof, R., Samsudin, D., & Gan, C. Y. (2020). Averrhoa bilimbipectin-based edible films: Effects of the linearity and branching of the pectin on the physicochemical, mechanical, and barrier properties of the films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 163, 1276-1282.
Shafie, M. H., Yap, P. G., & Gan, C. Y. (2022). Bioactive peptides and polysaccharides - Setting a new trend in replacing conventional angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. In V. L. Maheshwari (Ed.). Natural Products as Enzyme Inhibitors: An Industrial Perspective (pp. 169 – 203). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Shafie, M. H., Yusof, R., Zafarina, Z., & Gan, C. Y. (2022). Effect of different molar ratios of choline chloride–citric acid monohydrate in deep eutectic solvents as plasticizers for Averrhoa bilimbi pectin films. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 2022, 1-12.
Shafie, M. H., Kamal, M. L., Zulkiflee, F. F., Hasan, S., Uyop, N. H., Abdullah, S., & Zafarina, Z. (2022). Application of Carrageenan extract from red seaweed (Rhodophyta) in cosmetic products: A review. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 99(9), 100613.

Mrs. Hayati Muhamad Noh
Address: Analytical Biochemistry Research Centre (ABrC), Universiti Sains Malaysia, SAINS@USM Campus, University Innovation Incubator (i2U) Building, Lebuh Bukit Jambul, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia
Telephone: 04-653 6835
Area of expertise
- Analysis of drugs and trace analysis of contaminants in ppb levels.
- MSc (Pharmacy)

ChM. Rozaiha Rahmat
Address: Analytical Biochemistry Research Centre (ABrC), Universiti Sains Malaysia, SAINS@USM Campus, University Innovation Incubator (i2U) Building, Lebuh Bukit Jambul, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia
Telephone: 04-653 6836

Mrs. Azlina Mat Shariff
Address: Analytical Biochemistry Research Centre (ABrC), Universiti Sains Malaysia, SAINS@USM Campus, University Innovation Incubator (i2U) Building, Lebuh Bukit Jambul, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia
Telephone: 04-653 6844

Ms. Moneyzawati Mahmood
Address: Analytical Biochemistry Research Centre (ABrC), Universiti Sains Malaysia, SAINS@USM Campus, University Innovation Incubator (i2U) Building, Lebuh Bukit Jambul, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia
Telephone: 04-653 6843
No. |
Name |
Position |
01 |
Prof. Dr. Zafarina Binti Zainuddin |
Professor VK7 |
02 |
Prof. Madya Dr. Gan Chee Yuen |
Associate Professor DS54 |
03 |
Prof Madya ChM Dr. Mohd Nazri Bin Ismail |
Associate Professor DS54 |
04 |
Dr Muhammad Hakimin Bin Shafie |
University Lecturer DS51 |
05 |
Encik Muhammad Jameel Bin Naina Mohamed |
Marketing Executive N41 |
06 |
Puan Noor Aini Binti Md Saud |
Assistant Administrative Officer N29 |
07 |
Abdul Wahhab Bin Mohd Noor |
Administrative Assistant (P/O) N22 |
08 |
Puan Nurulain Najihah Binti Azrudin |
Administrative Assistant (P/O) N19 |
09 |
Puan Amira Binti Azman |
Office Secretary Assistant N19 |
10 |
Encik Nazri Bin Mokktar |
Operation Asisstant N11 |
11 |
Puan Hayati Binti Muhamad Noh |
Science Officer C52 |
12 |
Cik Rozaiha Binti Rahmat |
Science Officer C48 |
13 |
Puan Ainolsyakira Binti Mohd Rodhi |
Research Officer C48 |
14 |
Puan Sofiyatul Akmal Binti Salim |
Research Officer C44 |
15 |
Puan Azlina Binti Mat Shariff |
Science Officer C44 |
16 |
Cik Moneyzawati Binti Mahmood |
Science Officer C44 |
17 |
Puan Nur Hana Binti Mahad nurhana@usm.y |
Science Officer C44 |
18 |
Cik Nur Harniada Binti Baharudin |
Science Officer C44 |
19 |
Puan Hami Mahayoo Binti Kamarudin |
Science Officer C44 |
20 |
Puan Nur Shahila Binti Ibrahim |
Science Officer C44 |
21 |
Puan Alyani Binti Zainuddin |
Science Officer C44 |
22 |
Puan Nor Farhana Binti Mohd Fazil |
Science Officer C44 |
23 |
Puan Fazilah Binti Mohd Akir |
Science Officer C44 |
24 |
Puan Nur Ain Binti Mohamed Hussin |
Science Officer C44 |
25 |
Encik Ahmad Kamil Bin Mohamad Tajularifin |
Science Officer C44 |
26 |
Puan Normawati Binti Mahamad Nor @ Mohammad Nor |
Science Officer C41 |
27 |
Puan Nurul Atika Binti Razali |
Science Officer C41 |
28 |
Puan Fatin Ilyani Binti Nasir |
Science Officer C41 |
29 |
Puan Hanorliny Binti Abu Hanifah |
Asst. Science Officer C38 |
30 |
Puan Komariah Binti Ahmad |
Asst. Science Officer C32 |
31 |
Puan Ruslaini Binti Nasir |
Asst. Science Officer C32 |
32 |
Puan Shahidatul Akmar Binti Md Radzi |
Asst. Science Officer C32 |
33 |
Puan Zalilawati Binti Abd. Ghani |
Asst. Science Officer C32 |
34 |
Encik Firdaus Bin Haniff @ Che Ani |
Asst. Science Officer C32 |
35 |
Encik Khairul Nasirudin Bin Abu Mangsor |
Asst. Science Officer C29 |
36 |
Encik Muhammad Al-Amin Bin Mohamed Saupi |
Asst. Science Officer C29 |
37 |
Puan Azrina Binti Aziz |
Asst. Science Officer C29 |
38 |
Encik Abdullah Bin Yusoff |
Asst. Science Officer C29 |
39 |
Dr. Yap Pei Gee |
Post-Ph.D |
40 |
Dr. Chiu Hock Ing |
Post-Ph.D |