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Analytical Biochemistry Research Centre (ABrC)  |  Pusat Penyelidikan Biokimia Analisis

Services - Environmental toxicology

Page 3 of 9: Environmental toxicology

Environmental Toxicology


Environmental pollution is a problem in both developed and developing countries due to population growth and urbanization, which happened since the onset of the industrial revolution. This technology progress has facilitated the production of pollutants. The area of service is defined as the investigation of the chemicals in the environment, such as heavy metal, dioxins, and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), which could bring toxic effects to human being. This service will assist private or government agencies to understand the potential effects from hazardous environmental exposures to the public health. The analyses which are provided by ABrC are:

  1. Analysis of Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins (PCDDs), Polychlorinated Dibendofurans (PCDFs) and Polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs)*
  2. Dioxins-Furans in Stack Emission (air sample)*
  3. Full Cadmium Analysis (Cadmium Urine, Creatinine , β2M & Cadmium Blood)*
  4. Cadmium Analysis in Blood by ICP-MS *
  5. Single Element in Urine (with Creatinine)*
  6. Single Element in Urine (with Creatinine & β2M)*
  7. Analysis of  Beta -2-Microglobulin with Creatinine*
  8. Analysis of Creatinine*
  9. Cadmium Analysis in Membrane Cellulose Ester by ICP-MS*

*All analyses are not accredited by ISO 17025

Food safety
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